Song Credential - Metadata Interoperability

AI + Blockchain for music | Preventing looming metadata disaster
Our Capabilities
Our Capabilities

With the Music Industry facing the challenge of AI metadata standardization & reconciliation, Vlinder’s Metadata Interoperability Platform(MIP) enables digital labelling of the music IP, while at the same time providing multiple tools for ecosystem stakeholders to enable an inclusive and integrated music metadata cohesion. Its not a new registry, not a new standard but a set of amalgamation of tools solving gaps that costs industry nearly $2 billion loss of royalty revenue globally.

What we do? We label AI music & traditional music IPs!

For Creators & Performers - where the Industry begins

The core proposition of this concept is to add an additional layer to the traditional Metadata management, that is to issue a ‘Song Credential’ to the creators and performers at the time of creating and publishing a song. This credential aims to hold all the core metadata, identifier codes and reference files as a Rights ownership proof and identity. Creators & Performers can access the same in their own phone wallets utilizing the platform and can further attach Rights agreements, split sheets and other neighboring rights contracts with the Song Credential. In addition to create ease of managing and storing split sheets, it will help distinguishing Royalty enabled’ human songs, Gen AI songs in future & enable creators to do Fractional AI dataset licensing.

For Labels & Rightsholders

Direct access of this credential will be given to other rights-owners too such as labels, publishers etc. who can populate their systems accordingly. The benefit for the labels and Publishers will be to distinguish and label music with 3 globally promoted categories: Human crafted songs(legacy mostly) AI assisted songs Gen AI created songs This is of course in addition to the core monetary benefit of solving $2.4 bn royalty leakage problem.(more details in whitepaper)

For CMOs, DSPs & other Licensees of Music

DSPs: It can help DSPs to do 2 step verification process to prevent streaming fraud - fake BOT uploads music and Gen AI music uploads. In addition, DSPs can enable ‘Labelled’ songs which will help the listener and the industry to distinguish between 100% Human crafted songs and AI assisted songs. CMOs: The core benefit is it helps CMOs to process Royalties accurately ad prevent distributing to Gen AI song creators(bots or fake creators). Also, it automates Song Registration for CMOs & PROs and helps enable transparency of royalties to their members.

For Distributors & Publishers

It helps prevent Gen AI royalty fraud and provides 2-step verification to authenticate music creation from the creator, with the accurate labels. MIP can enable issuing of a Song credential by Distributors & Publishers to the Creator, performers and Rightsholders - enabling collaborative ‘Mini-platform’ to label Music accurately.(more details in the whitepaper)

Integration with AI - MRT recognizing AI songs & traditional fingerprinting

An integration of MRT tech with MIP platform can ensure monetization rights of the Song data remains with the Rightsholders themselves and in turn provide a standardized service for the complete ecosystem at a nominal, standardized rates. Furthermore, this can be switched at any time as the complete ownership of the data remains with the rightsholders.

Integration with Direct-to-fan platforms

With the future of Music is shifting towards Direct-to-fan models, the foremost thing that needs to be addressed for the success of it is setting up Royalty systems for the same. Song credential technology brings the the power & transparency of data to their mobile phones. This is the base layer on top of which multiple Direct-to-fan models can be built.

Enablers: Gen AI Music companies & DAWs

Gen AI music companies: Tag or label AI generated music at source using content credential concept. Earn additional Revenue stream by joining decentralized Registry. DAWs: Label AI assisted tracks when a creator enter an AI generated track in DAW to create final AI assisted label

The core principle of Vlinder’s work with MIP & Song Credential technology is to set up web3 infra in Music Industry Royalty and metadata management systems. We label AI music to standardize its usage and make the Royalty & copyright systems transparent for Creators & Rights-holders. We believe we cant jump to Web3 projects like NFTs, Direct-to-fan etc. without setting up the needed decentralized infrastructure for its smooth functioning. We are innovating by addressing the core with MIP, rather than sticking with the surface layer.