
Create and share blockchain based. Decentralized Identities and credentials

Welcome to Klefki

Klefki is a secure, frictionless platform that brings trust, inclusion and efficiency into the ecosystem of Public and Private enterprises by providing Blockchain based Decentralized ID and Credentials!!

Eco system

We are building a platform which is Inclusive, Efficient, Private & Secure and Trustable.

  • Credential Issuers

  • Citizens

  • Service Providers

Benefits for Credential Issuers

Visualise the Power of Data

GDPR and other data protection laws
Protect Privacy
Enable better life for citizens.
On core functions as opposed to verifying for others
Where your credentials can be used

Benefits for Citizens

Own your Credentials

Easy & secure Storing of Credentials
Selective Disclosure Or Bundled Proof of Credentials
Who can see the credentials
Terms of Use
Passwordless Access to the websites and applications

Benefits for Service Providers

Verify with Trust

Real-time verification
Remote KYC Verification (Relevant Post-Covid world)
Request for Biometric / Face Match while sharing.
GDPR and other data protection laws.
Use cases

Use cases already enabled by Klefki enabled for the Ecosystem

  • Government & Public Sector

  • Banking & Financial Services

  • Background Verification Services

  • Digital Certificate Services

Government & Public Sector

National IDs, Birth/Marriage Registry, Healthcare Cards, Asset Ownership

Comply with Data protection laws
Provide Self Sovereign Identity
Issue Digitally signed & Encrypted Credentials
Citizen stores them securely in wallet. Share and Verify instantly

Banking & Financial Services

Remote KYC. Faster loan processing.
Comply with Data Protection Laws
Easily integrate with existing systems and processes
Enable secure, consent based sharing of Credentials

Background Verification Services

Remote screening in hours instead of days
Bundled proof: IDs, Credentials, Prior employment, etc.
Citizen consents via Klefki Wallet.

Digital Certificate Services

issue certificates on your OWN template
Push to citizen’s Klefki wallet
Citizen can instantly share digital certificate with verifier
Instant online verification using QR code or link

Are you ready to trag it ?

Download and experience yourselves
